As of this moment, I’m sitting at the kitchen table, typing this blog posting. Beethoven’s 5th Symphony is playing in the background, making everything I type seem slightly more dramatic than it deserves to be. The kitchen seems to be the place in the house where everything happens. We have our meals here, we do our homework here, we play games here--it’s the central hub of activity in the Carnoali household. And it shows. The floor is marked up with scratches made from years of broken dishes, cat fights, furniture arrangement, and just the general traffic in and out. I love my kitchen. It has a sort of country look with just the right amount of Carnoali flavoring.
I am in America. Although some people may see it as typical naivety, I know for a fact that I live in the best country in the world. I love the way we were founded, I love our culture, and I love our philosophies. I actually love the cocky arrogance that Americans seem to have. It makes me feel like there is a sense of pride that Europeans can’t wring out. America will always be my home, even if I leave it for a while.
I am on the Earth. I am on a vibrant, beautiful, diverse, beautiful planet that is taken for granted too many times. It was only a few years ago that something shifted inside my mind and I decided that I wanted to see it all. I live in the most miraculous place we know of, and suddenly I didn’t understand why I was planning on staying in the same small portion of it for my whole life. There’s so much out there, and I want to breathe it in, to embrace it and perhaps change it for the better.
I am in the Universe. Or at least, I watch the Universe, staring up into heavens from the limitations of my back yard. It taunts me, dangling unknown wonders just above my finger tips. It’s the one thing we will never reach. Not in my lifetime, at least. So I am forced to watch only, to window shop for the greater things of human existence. Compared to the Universe, the Earth is so tiny. It makes me wonder where we fit in in this wide expanse. Is there something else out there?
If so, where is it? Where are we? Where am I?